Building Direct

This service provides information from the Buildings section of the Real Property Register. The product name in Swedish is Byggnad Direkt.

About this product

Building Direct contains information from the Real Property Register about buildings that are used for different purposes such as housing, industry and cultural purposes.

Important to know

Consider the following before ordering the product:

  • To use this product, you need to pay a fee.
  • Your use will be reviewed legally according to the Real Property Register Act and you need to sign a license with terms of use.
  • The information in this product is divided into several selectable subsets.
  • You make calls directly against Lantmäteriet and receive updated information in real time.
  • You need a system or an application to use this product. It has an application programming interface (API) and cannot be used directly in an Internet browser.

Maintenance and update frequency

The municipality is the authority responsible for the registration of buildings and for the correctness of the information. The information is updated daily. The update period varies for the different municipalities.

The building section of the Real Property Register includes buildings in all 290 municipalities and contains approximately seven million buildings.

When the Real Property Register is updated, the changes are immediately available in the product.

Order product

You can order Real property information directly from us or from any of our resellers. The resellers can also assist you with customization and processing of the information.

If you want information about your own real property free of charge, you are welcome to use our E-service "Min fastighet" (in swedish). Reed more about "Min fastighet".

If you want information from the Real Property Register according to the principle of public access to information, you are welcome to contact Kundcenter.

Order from Lantmäteriet

If you want to order directly from us at Lantmäteriet you should use the Order form.

To use our geodata products, you need a license for use.

In the order form, you can both order geodata products and apply for a license agreement.

What are you going to do with the information?

How personal data in the Real Property Register may be used is governed by the Real Property Register Act (2000:224) and the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Before we can give you access to personal information in the Real Property register, we must evaluate your purpose with the use, which means that we will ask what you want to do. The application form is available in both Swedish and English.

Forms for evaluation of purpose for extraction-, notification- and download products

Lantmäteriet also reviews all orders from a confidentiality perspective. Confidentiality applies, among other things, to information concerning total defence if it can be assumed to damage the country's defence, or is considered to constitute a danger to national security if the information is disclosed in accordance with 15 kap 2 § Public Access to Information and Secrecy Act (2009:400). The evaluation may therefore in some cases take from three to five working days.

Forms for evaluation of purpose for direct services*

*including Location address Download, INSPIRE and Buildning Download, INSPIRE

Order from resellers

If you need help with ordering our geodata products or get a customized solution for your business, you can contact one of our geodata resellers (in Swedish).


In the API portal you, as a user of Lantmäteriet's direct access services, you can among other things, manage access keys for the services you have access to.

As a logged in user, you can view and manage the services you have access to, as well as create access keys and access groups.

The API portal is available for both production environment and verification environment for our direct access services. You log into the respective environment's API Portal to manage services and permissions for that environment.

Contents of this page may be automatically translated, we take no responsibility for the accuracy of the translation. Feel free to contact our customer support centre if you have any questions.

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