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Geotorget makes it easier to find information about and get access to geodata from Lantmäteriet and Nationella geodataplattformen. Geotorget consists of several different parts.
Use our services
In Geotorget, individuals and organizations can order and download Lantmäteriet's geodata products. To place an order, an account must be created, more information about this can be found in Geotorget.
Products in Geotorget are gradually being added.You can find all our geodata products and how to order each product in our product list.
Mitt konto
In Mitt konto you can:
- follow your cases and orders
- start new deliveries (subscription only)
- see the status of data delivery
- download produced data.
This is also possible to do via API that you can find on the Geotorget documentation (in swedish, new window) (currently only available for organizational customers).
Dokumentation Geodataprodukter
Geotorget documentation (in swedish, new window) is Lantmäteriet's new website for product documentation. There you will find information about content, access and delivery for our geodata products.
Products will be gradually added. In the meantime, the remaining documentation remains on the respective product page, which you can find in our product list.
Nationella geodataplattformen
Apply to become a producer and make datasets available, and apply to become a consumer in National geodata platform (NGP) (new window).