Simple coordinate transformation

Here you can convert positions from your GPS receiver to fit the coordinate grids of Swedish maps.

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Transform your coordinates from the GPS receiver, given as latitude and longitude in SWEREF 99 (WGS 84), to fit the coordinate grids of Swedish maps. The result is given in the two plane coordinate systems SWEREF 99 TM and RT 90 2.5 gon V 0:‑15.

You can also transform coordinates in the opposite direction, i.e. from plane coordinates – SWEREF 99 TM or RT 90 2.5 gon V – to latitude and longitude in SWEREF 99 (WGS 84).

SWEREF 99 (WGS 84) to plane coordinates

Latitude and longitude are given as decimal degrees (dd.ddd...), degrees and minutes (dd mm.mmm...) or as degrees minutes and seconds (dd mm ss.sss...), all with decimals, if any.

Plane coordinates to SWEREF 99 (WGS 84)

Coordinates (x, y or N, E) are given as meters with decimals, if any.

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