Direct access services

Here you will find answers to frequently asked questions about Lantmäteriet 's services for direct access to geodata.

Frequently asked questions about direct access services

Yes, our direct access services support http compression using the GZIP method for the following MIME types:

Text / htmlText / plainText / xmlApplication / soap + xml

To request a compressed answer, enter the following string in the call header:Accept-Encoding: gzip

Each service normally has two types of questions, exceptions occur:

  1. Ask for all or parts of an object, e.g. building with id. A question about objects with an ID provides answers in the form of different amounts of information that sometimes also contain references to other objects.
  2. Ask for object references (i.e. the object ID) with different search criteria such as geometry or property key. In response, you get e.g. references to the properties affected by a geometry. The references can then be used to retrieve entire property.

Read more in the technical descriptions for each service.

.Net is unable to handle the <list> schema type used in GML. The solution is to modify DirectPositionType and DirectPositionListType in the auto-generated Reference.cs and parse the coordinate list yourself.See Example:


public partial class DirectPositionType {

private double[] coordinates;

[System.Xml.Serialization.XmlIgnore]public double[] Coordinates{

get { return this.coordinates; }set { this.coordinates = value; }}

/// <remarks/>[System.Xml.Serialization.XmlTextAttribute()]public string Text{get{return ConvertDoubleArrayToString(this.coordinates);}set{this.coordinates = ConvertStringToDoubleArray(value);}}}

Programs such as Postman (new window) can be used for testing REST-based Webservices.

We have chosen to separate the schedule *.XSD from WSDL to support as many tools as possible. Many XML tools can only import *.XSD.

GML Version 3.2.1 is used.

Contents of this page may be automatically translated, we take no responsibility for the accuracy of the translation. Feel free to contact our customer support centre if you have any questions.

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