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HMK can provide support for the procurement of various spatial data services. Several HMK manuals include guidelines how to establish and following a technical specification, i.e., support for both the customer and the contractor. Here are some examples of how HMK manuals can be used to design a technical specification.
What is a technical specification?
A technical specification (TS) is an important interface between the customer and the contractor in a procurement. It describes the different requirements for the current service or product. This should preferably be done in such a way that the customer can focus on what is to be delivered and the contractor can focus on how the work is to be carried out to meet the requirements.
A well-designed technical specification is therefore a key activity to achieve a successful procurement. It can also be an important part of other requirements, e.g. of work routines internally within an organization.
General information about technical specifications and procurements can be found in HMK - Introduction 2017 (in Swedish, pdf, new window)
Examples of procurements
Here are examples of procurements that a number of municipalities have carried out jointly within the framework of Geodata collaboration Skåne :
- Technical specification for aerial photography and city photography (in Swedish, pdf, new window)
- Technical specification for oblique photography (in Swedish, pdf, new window)
- Technical specification for laser scanning and height model production (in Swedish, pdf, new window)
The following manuals have been used to establish the technical the specifications above:
- HMK – Flygfotografering 2017 (in Swedish, pdf, new window)
- HMK – Flygburen laserskanning 2017 (in Swedish, pdf, new window)
- HMK – Höjddata 2017 (in Swedish, pdf, new window)
- HMK – Ortofoto 2017 (in Swedish, pdf, new window)
Feel free to take part in more public procurement via services at :
Routine description Digital basemap for planning
Örebro municipality has produced a routine description that describes how they work with digital base map for planning. To take part of the routine description, contact
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