Application in the case of inheritance

If you have inherited a property or plot of land, you must apply for legal registration or registration of a plot of land holding. You do this to register that you are the owner.

Apply by email or by mail

Choose whether you want to use our e-service or send in the application by post.

Read about how to apply via our e-service or by post.

If you have inherited a property or plot of land or part of one

The application looks different depending on whether you have inherited the entire property or plot of land by will, if you are the sole owner of the estate or if you are several owners of the estate.

If you are the sole owner of the estate

If you are the sole owner of the estate, the application must include:

  • The application for title deed or the application for registration of a plot of land holding for you who have inherited the property or the plot of land.
  • A certified copy of The estate register must first be registered with the Swedish Tax Agency.

Please note that the property must be included in the estate register.

If you are several estate owners

About If you are several estate owners, the application must contain:

  • Application for legal registration / registration of plot rights for you who have inherited the property or plot rights.
  • Inheritance deed in original.
  • E a certified copy of the estate register. The estate register must first be registered with the Swedish Tax Agency.

If any estate owner is underage

A underage estate owner can become the legal owner of a property, but there are some limitations to how the person can control the property.

In cases where a underage is represented by a guardian, the guardian's competence must be proved when applying for a title deed, for example by extracts of vicariousness. In some cases, the consent of the transfer of the transfer is also required. Contact the guardian in your municipality for further information.

Note that:

  • The property must be included in the estate register.
  • The succession document must be witnessed of two persons if it is established after a person who died before 1988.
  • Permission from the guardian is required if one of the heirs is a minor or has a trustee.

If you have received the entire property or plot right through a will

If you have received the entire property or plot right through a will, the application must contain:

  • Application for title deed or application for registration of plot right holdings for you as inherited the property.
  • Original will.
  • A certified copy of the estate register. The estate register must first be registered with the Swedish Tax Agency.
  • Documents that show that the will has gained legal force (when it is no longer possible to appeal).

A will gains legal force through:

  • that it is approved by all heirs
  • or that it has not been blamed within six months of service
  • or that none of the heirs has requested adjustment of the will to get out his team lot within six months from service according to ch. § 3 of the Inheritance Code
  • or that the will applies through judgments that have gained legal force (when it is no longer possible to appeal).

If you have received the property as it was

A bequest is when someone bequeaths a special property, for example a property, to a person.

If you have received the property as a bequest, you must in addition to the above documents also show that the bequest has been given out. It must be done by the person or persons who are authorized to represent the estate, so you as a legatee can not certify it yourself.

You also need to send in:

  • A certificate signed by all the owners of the estate stating that the property has been given to the legatee. It is also possible if the person who submits the case (the submitter) or one of the estate owners writes a certificate, but then it must be stated in the certificate that the property has been issued with all the estate owners' consent or
  • succession document where the property has been given out to the legatee or
  • certificate from the executor / will executor that the property has been issued to the legatee.

If you have inherited an agricultural unit in a sparsely populated area

Read about what applies if you have inherited a property that is taxed as an agricultural unit and is located in a sparsely populated area.

Read the Survivor's guide

The website is a collaboration between the Swedish Social Insurance Agency, the Swedish Pensions Agency and the Swedish Tax Agency. The idea is to make it easier for you who have lost a loved one. who will inherit, inheritance and estate register.

Take part of the information in the Survivor's Guide (new window).

Questions and answers

Lantmäteriet provides general information when you start a case or seek information about our operations. For example, it could be about how you apply for deed, land right, contractual easement or which e-services and forms should be used.

It can also be about which documents you need to send with your application. You can also order extracts from our registers.

It is not part of Lantmäteriet's mission to give advice on, for example, how a property division or inheritance should be carried out, on tax planning or to give advice on how regulations or older decisions can be interpreted. We also cannot give advance notice in cases.

If you need help with your questions, get suggestions on the appropriate course of action or help with interpreting or creating legal documents, we refer you to the private market via external advisers or agents.

You who have protected personal data can make your application via our e-service or by sending your application by post.

In the e-service, you need to enter your name manually as confidential information is not displayed to the user of the e-service.

Read about what applies if you have protected personal data on the Swedish Tax Agency's website (in Swedish, new window).

A certified copy means that a photocopy has been taken of the original. On the photocopy you write that the copy corresponds to the original, and add your signature.

Contents of this page may be automatically translated, we take no responsibility for the accuracy of the translation. Feel free to contact our customer support centre if you have any questions.

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