Application in the case of division of a property

Once you have acquired a property or plot of land through a division of property, you must apply for legal registration or registration of a plot of land holding. You do this to register that you are the owner. This must be done within three months of the acquisition.

Apply by email or by mail

Choose whether you want to use our e-service or send in the application by post.

Read about how to apply via our e-service or by mail.

If you want your spouse to become a partner

If you want your spouse to become a co-owner of the property or plot of land, the application must include:

  • Application for legal registration for the person being transferred to the property.
  • Notification of division of property during a permanent marriage registered with the Swedish Tax Agency, the Marriage Register
  • Dividing document in original.

Requirements for the division of property document:

  • The property's complete property designation must be available with (for example Gävle Torp 1: 1).
  • It must be clear how large a share of the property is to be distributed between the spouses (for example ½ if it is half).
  • The division of property document must be signed by both spouses.
  • The division of property document must be dated after the Tax Agency has received a notification of division of property.

If you are going to divorce o ch wants to change ownership

If you are going to divorce and want to change the ownership of the property or plot in connection with the divorce, you need to apply for legal registration or registration of plot holdings.

It is common to make a division of property in connection with divorce and you can be transferred to the property or the plot of land both if one of you has been the sole owner before or if you have owned half each, for example.

The application must contain:

  • Application for title deed or application for registration of a plot of land holding for the person who has been assigned the property / plot of land.
  • Original estate division document. Keep in mind that the deed of division must be dated at the earliest on the same day or after the day that the application for divorce was submitted to the district court. It is also good if it appears from the division of property document that you share a property due to divorce.

Please note that if you not share the property without you buying or receiving your spouse's share as a gift, there is still a right of marriage left in the share of the property that you already own.

The same applies if you only share half of the property the property, then there is still the right to marry in the share you already own.

This means that your ex-spouse will always have to give approval for measures concerning the property, even if you are the sole owner .

If you are going to separate and want to change ownership

If you are going to separate from your cohabitant and want to change the ownership of the property or plot of land in connection with the separation, you need to apply on title deeds or re-registration of land tenure holdings.

If the property is co-ownership, ie you have for acquired the property or plot of land together with the purpose that it should be a joint home, you can make a cohabitation division.

The application must contain:

  • The application for title deed or the application for registration of a plot of land holding for the person who has been assigned the property or the plot of land.
  • Partition document in original. Keep in mind that it must be clear from the deed of division that the cohabitation relationship has ended. If there are conditions in the division of property document that you, for example, get the property in exchange for taking over a loan, a certificate must also be sent showing that you have taken over the loans. It is possible for a bank clerk or both parties to write such a certificate.

Please note that if the property or plot of land has been owned by one of the cohabitants during, for example, a previous marriage, a cohabitation division cannot be made.

This is because you have not acquired the property together and it is therefore not counted as cohabitation property according to the Cohabitation Act. Then you can instead transfer the property through a purchase or gift.

The same applies if you own several properties, then you can only share the property that has been a joint home. The other properties can instead be transferred by purchase or gift.

Questions and answers

Lantmäteriet provides general information when you start a case or seek information about our operations. For example, it could be about how you apply for deed, land right, contractual easement or which e-services and forms should be used.

It can also be about which documents you need to send with your application. You can also order extracts from our registers.

It is not part of Lantmäteriet's mission to give advice on, for example, how a property division or inheritance should be carried out, on tax planning or to give advice on how regulations or older decisions can be interpreted. We also cannot give advance notice in cases.

If you need help with your questions, get suggestions on the appropriate course of action or help with interpreting or creating legal documents, we refer you to the private market via external advisers or agents.

You who have protected personal data can make your application via our e-service or by sending your application by post.

In the e-service, you need to enter your name manually as confidential information is not displayed to the user of the e-service.

Read about what applies if you have protected personal data on the Swedish Tax Agency's website (in Swedish, new window).

A certified copy means that a photocopy has been taken of the original. On the photocopy you write that the copy corresponds to the original, and add your signature.

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