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Here you can read about packages with national and regional geodata and what the future needs look like.
What are the needs?
Authorities that provide geodata need more knowledge about how packages with national and regional geodata could support the work of climate adaptation actors and how such packages could be put together in the best way.
There is also a need to investigate how geodata needs to change now and in the long term to meet user needs due to a changing climate. A working group, linked to the Authority Network for Climate Adaptation with Lantmäteriet as convener, therefore conducted an analysis in 2019 that highlights the above-mentioned needs.
Working group
The working group consisted of the Swedish Geological Survey, Statens Geotekniska Institut, Sjöfartsverket, Boverket, Lantmäteriet and Trafikverket with support from Sweco Position AB. The project was run in 2019 and was funded by funds from SMHI.
Method and results from the project
In order to better understand the user needs, a qualitative survey was conducted in the form of in-depth interviews. The project has interviewed 28 individuals spread over 15 organizations, consisting of 6 municipalities, 2 county administrative boards, 4 consultants and 3 higher education institutions. During the interviews, participants from large parts of the community building process participated, from the general plan to administration. The needs of municipalities, county administrative boards and researchers have been fairly consistent. Consultants' needs have been more fragmented. The representativeness in the needs picture is considered good, possibly with the exception of the needs of small municipalities and consultants.
The analysis has resulted in 16 different recommendations, of which 10 concern geodata or climate adaptation packages and 6 are general for geodata.
- Use the term Climate Adaptation Package
- Create packages with geodata, methodological support, guidelines and associated documentation.
- There should be a management organization for packages
- Collect editorial material and links to in-depth Geodata and Metadata in one place.
- Make packages available via
- Develop a Flood package - high rainfall and rainfall, including Geodata, methods, guidelines and associated documentation
- Evaluate the Flood Package - high rainfall and rainfall, its use and needs before creating more packages.
- One and the same amount of data is published only in one place
- Publish the same data quantity in different variants together
- Different publications, metadata and product information are linked to the publication of each data set
- As part of a package, there should be complete GIS analyzes that are linked to from the climate adaptation portal to responsible authority's mapping service.
- Develop common method support for packages
- Geodata packages contain examples of scenarios and parameters to use. These are managed by the package management group.
- All metadata of state geodata is uniform.
- All metadata of state geodata gathered in one place.
- Let web editors or communicators edit metadata and product descriptions of geodata
View the final report Geodata for climate adaptation - Packages and future needs (in swedish, pdf, new window)
In summary
Sweco recommends the creation of thematic geodata packages, which is proposed is called something other than geodata packages, such as climate adaptation packages, which need to consist of method support, guidelines, geodata and documentation.
Contact the project
To get in touch with the project, you can contact and