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Lantmäteriet has, in collaboration with relevant actors, been commissioned by the Government to identify so-called particularly valuable amounts of data and which actors are affected by these in accordance with the revised Open Data Directive (formerly the PSI Directive). The assignment also included analyzing societal benefits and budgetary consequences of making these amounts of data available free of charge. About twenty authorities, county administrative boards and municipal representatives have together proposed a number of particularly valuable amounts of data that would generate great societal benefits if they became available free of charge.
Sweden's proposal
The final report submitted to the Ministry of Infrastructure reports the amounts of data that about twenty authorities, county administrative boards and municipal representatives have jointly proposed as valuable amounts of data. The data sets are expected to generate great societal benefits if they became available free of charge.
The proposal has been submitted to the European Commission, where work is underway to define data sets that will be regulated in Directive (EU) 2019/1024 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 20 June 2019 on open data and the re-use of public sector information (new window). In accordance with the directive, these data sets must be provided free of charge and with minimal restrictions by the EU member states.
Regardless of which data sets will be regulated as particularly valuable at EU level, it is recommended that Sweden still chooses to secure the useful potential for the entire proposal in the report.
Read the full report (in swedish, pdf, new window)
Appendix 1 - SWEDEN proposal on High Value Data (xlsx, new window)
Appendix 3 - Municipalities' basis for budgetary consequences (in swedish, pdf, new window)
Short version final report particularly valuable data (in swedish, pdf, new window)
View the final report in English - Open Data Report Summary (pdf, new window)
Summary of final presentation
Take part in the film where, among other things, Lantmäteriet 's general manager Susanne Ås Sivborg summarizes the mission and final report (in Swedish).
More about the government assignment
Welcome to contact to contribute to the work or ask questions. Assignment leader for the government assignment is Anna Svedlund,
A working group for the actors identified in the assignment has been established, read more and see documentation from this work.
Recorded presentation on status at work from December 2019 (in swedish, new window)
Recorded presentation on status at work from September 2019 (in swedish, new window)