Climate adaptation

Climate adaptation means equipping society and various activities and making it less vulnerable to the challenges posed by climate change. Geodata is essential in the planning of preventive measures to make society more robust and to be able to handle the consequences of climate change.


Today's society is adapted and built to a certain climate. Climate change is changing the conditions and affecting most sectors, e.g. infrastructure, crisis preparedness and community planning.

Lantmäteriet is part of the Authority Network for Climate Adaptation, which consists of 19 authorities with sector or information responsibility for how society is affected by current and future climates, and 21 county administrative boards that are responsible for coordination of climate adaptation work at regional level. In addition to authorities, Sweden's municipalities and regions (SKR) are also included.

More about the Authority Network for Climate Adaptation and its activities can be found at Klimatanpassningsportalen (in swedish, new window).

Lantmäteriet 's climate adaptation work

Geodata is an important basis for decision-making and a prerequisite for analyzing, making visible and explaining events and preventing the effects of a climate in change. In March 2018, the government presented the “National strategy for climate adaptation”, which was developed to keep the work of adapting to a changing climate together.

On 1 January 2019, Ordinance on authorities' climate adaptation work SFS 2018: 1428 (in swedish, new window) in force. The regulation is another step in the intentions to coordinate national efforts.

The regulation requires designated authorities, including Lantmäteriet , to carry out a climate and vulnerability analysis, set goals in climate adaptation, and develop an action plan for climate adaptation work. How the work progresses will be reported annually to SMHI and the Ministry of Finance.

Information for property owners

How can information about climate adaptation needs be effectively disseminated to property owners in the future? That question has been examined by a working group linked to the Agency's network for climate adaptation in 2022. The Land Survey has been the convenor of the group.

The assignment resulted in a number of recommendations to contribute to
the development of joint authority information dissemination about natural disasters in the future.

Read more about the project and its results (pdf, new window)

Climate adaptation package

How can the climate adaptation actors' needs for compilations of geodata and support materials to identify and manage climate risks be best met and how can these packages be made available in a simple and good way? A working group linked to the Authority's Network for Climate Adaptation and the Geodata Council's action plan examined in 2021. Lantmäteriet has convened the group.

The work resulted in three pilot packages consisting of a guide, geodata and support materials in heat waves, floods caused by torrential rain and ground movements that were made available using metadata on the Planning Catalog and were evaluated by a small reference group consisting of three municipalities.

Read more about the Climate Adaptation Package project and its results.

Metadata for climate adaptation

Metadata is considered by users as very important and useful information, not least in the field of climate adaptation. But it There is a need to further develop and increase the quality of metadata to make it even more useful and accessible.
In 2020, therefore, the Authority Network for Climate Adaptation started a working group with the aim of investigating how best to meet climate adaptation actors' need for more uniform and easy-to-understand metadata and increased searchability for geodata for climate adaptation by theme. Lantmäteriet has been the convener of the working group.

Read more about the project Metadata for climate massaging and its results.

Practical training

As part of supporting municipalities in their work to adapt society to a climate in change, a working group, linked to the Authority Network for Climate Adaptation, developed a concept in 2019 for a workshop day with practical training.

During such a training day, municipalities gather under the leadership of the county administrative board and practical training is interspersed with presentations and workshop participants gets the opportunity to make climate adaptation assessments with GIS data linked to the climate adaptation themes that are relevant to the participants, such as floods, torrential rain, landslides, ground stability, heat waves or physical planning. Lantmäteriet has been convening working group.

Read more about the project and download the concept Geodata for climate adaptation - Practical training

Packages and future needs

In order to deepen our understanding of users' needs for packages with national and regional geodata for climate adaptation and how these could be put together in the best way, the Authority's Network for Climate Adaptation in 2019 commissioned a working group to carry out a study of this. The goal has also been to find out how geodata needs to change now and in the long term to meet user needs due to a changing climate. The National Land Survey has convened the working group.

You can read more about the project and its results here.

Geodata for climate adaptation

For authorities that provide geodata, such as Lantmäteriet, it is important to gain increased knowledge of what users' needs look like, both now and in a changing climate, in order to meet the needs of climate adaptation actors. In 2018, therefore, a working group within the Authority Network for Climate Adaptation carried out an analysis of climate adaptation actors' needs for geodata and geodata services.

You can read more about the project and its results here.

Take part in Lantmäteriet 's action plan for climate adaptation (in swedish, pdf, new window).

Related information

Climate adaptation portal (in swedish, new window) 
Databases for climate adaptation (in swedish, new window)

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