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How can climate adapters best meet the needs for compilations of spatial data and supporting materials to identify and manage climate risks and how can these packages be made available in a simple and good way?
Two projects
In 2018 and 2019, two projects were implemented linked to climate adaptation actors and their need for geodata. Based on the needs identified in these projects linked to compilations of geodata and support materials, so-called packages, the Authority's network for climate adaptation chose to start a working group "Geodata for climate adaptation - Climate adaptation package" in 2021 with the goal of investigating how best to meet climate adaptation actors need for packages consisting of geodata and associated support materials.
Working group
The working group consisted of the Swedish Geotechnical Institute, the Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute, the Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency, Lantmäteriet, The County Administrative Board in Värmland 's county, the County Administrative Boards' Planning Catalog, the Swedish Space Agency, the National Board of Housing, Building and Planning and the Swedish Transport Administration with project manager support from SMHI's consulting activities. The project was run in 2021 with Lantmäteriet as the convening party and was financed by funds from SMHI.
Method and results from the project
The project has carried out a pilot for climate adaptation packages and developed a proposed working method for creating, publishing and managing future climate adaptation packages. The overall documentation of the project in the form of a pilot product, evaluation of the pilot and the proposed working method for future packaging of geodata and associated support materials will serve as a basis for further work with climate adaptation packages.
The pilot included three thematic packages, where the theme in each package was a climate effect (event theme). Incoming events in the pilot were heat wave, flood caused by torrential rain and ground movements. The packages gathered relevant geodata together with a method support that describes how data can be used and its limitations, uncertainties and climate scenarios as well as how it can be used in local GIS analyzes. The goal of the packaging is to contribute to the work of initiating and facilitating the municipality's preventive work with climate-related risks related to issues that may arise in connection with municipal spatial planning but also within other areas of responsibility in the municipality. Risk analyzes that may be relevant are listed in the methodological support with a number of issues where proposals for approaches to answering the issues are presented. Conclusions from the analysis work can be highlighted in the planning process but also other in-depth work in climate adaptation and contingency planning.
The packages in the pilot were published in the Planning Catalog during November 2021 for full-scale testing and evaluation. The pilot was evaluated by a reference group with representatives from three municipalities in Sweden and showed that the need for proposed packaging is greatest in municipalities that have not come this far in their climate adaptation work. The pilot has since been taken out of publishing mode due to the fact that there is currently no decided management organization for the three event themes included in the pilot and that packages based on their current form need to be further processed for quality assurance and usability.
To enable an effective transition from project to management, overall key capabilities in future management have been identified. For a quick start to the work with future packaging within event themes, a working method is proposed where an authority is appointed responsible for control, creation and operation within an event theme possible with current resources and funds. Even if a sector authority has great responsibility for a specific event theme, it takes place in collaboration with an expert group of relevant authorities. Packages within the event theme are produced in project form where publishing abilities are included.
Contact the project
To get in touch with the project, you can contact and