Information in the Joint Property Association Register - SFR

Information about your joint property association can be found in the Joint Property Association Register (SFR) which is kept by Lantmäteriet. We can help you with, among other things, applying for an organization number, changing information in the register, statute changes and questions about your pending applications.

Expanded possibilities for digital company and association meetings

As of January 1, 2024, new legal provisions will be introduced regarding the possibility for community associations to hold digital association meetings.

It is the Act on the management of communities, § 47 SFL, that is changed. The change means that digital association meetings may be held under extraordinary circumstances, regardless of whether the association's statutes allow this.

By "extraordinary circumstances" is meant, for example, during a pandemic and other similar situations that prevent a physical meeting from being held.

The preparatory work for the legislative amendment

"For non-profit associations, there is no legal regulation of how a general meeting should be conducted. Nor are there any more specific regulations in law for community associations on how the general meeting should take place (cf. prop. 1973:160 pp. 382 and 439). As a starting point, in both cases it is up to the board to decide how the meeting is to be conducted and there is no obstacle in law against it being held digitally. Both non-profit associations and community associations can also expressly decide in the statutes that the general meeting must or may be held digitally."

Lantmäteriet, Samfällighetsföreningesregistret, has interpreted the above preparations for the change in the law in such a way that it opened up an opportunity for community associations to hold digital meetings even under normal conditions. Either by allowing it in the association's statutes or by the board deciding on this.

More about the amendment to the law on the Riksdag's website (in Swedish, new window).

The content of the register

The joint property association register contains, among other things:

  • name of the association
  • information about which joint property unit the association takes care of (manages)
  • the purpose of the joint property
  • Composition of the board
  • signatories
  • statutes
  • postal address
  • organization number

If you have not yet formed a community association, you can read more on the page Form a community association.

VAT in community association

The Supreme Administrative Court has concluded that contributions that a community association receives from its members should not be subject to value added tax. This means that most community associations should not be registered for value added tax.

Read more on the Swedish Tax Agency's website (in Swedish, new window).

Current processing time

The processing time for registration of new joint property associations is calculated to be 0 working days. For the remaining cases to the joint property association register, the processing time is estimated to be 21 working days.

By processing time we mean the time after we have received the association's payment for the types of cases that are subject to a fee. The estimated time presumes that the case does not need to be supplemented.


The register fees are decided by the government and are stated in Sections 10-14 of the Fees Ordinance (1992:191) and Sections 10-11 ordinance on the maintenance of joint property association registers (1993:1270).

Remember that the fee must be paid to us at Lantmäteriet when the application/registration is submitted. It is only when we have received the payment that we can start processing the case. Payment can be made either through bank transfer to 805-7028 or via Swish 123 322 2734.

Write the association's company name and any organization number when paying.

Costs of various actions
Action Fee SEL
Registration of newly formed association 4600
Registration of a newly formed association according to section 16 of the Act (1973:1151) on the introduction of the Civil Engineering Act (1973:1149) and the Act (1973:1150 ) on community management 4600
Registration of amended statutes 870
Registration of reorganization 870
Registration of fusion 870
Information changes, for example members, signatories and address of the association's board according to decisions at the association's general meeting and at the statutory board meeting 0
Application for organization number 0
Register extract * 0
Post-registration of road associations and road associations with original statutes or statutes adopted before 1 January 1998 0
Post-registration of road associations and road associations with statutes adopted on or after January 1, 1998. 870
Post-registration of a duly formed joint property association with statutes of origin or with amended statutes adopted before 1 December 1995 0
Post-registration of a duly formed joint property association with statutes of origin or with amended statutes adopted on 1 December 1995 or then 870
If an application or registration application is withdrawn before a decision has been announced, the fee will be refunded at the request of the applicant. Note that revocation means that the case is written off and that the case is not tried on the merits.
* Register extract is an official proof for a certain joint property association and shows the contents of the joint property association register. You may need the extract for banking matters, for example. The register extract also contains information about the association's organization number.

Register a new association

A joint property association must be registered with Lantmäteriet in the joint property association register (SFR). By registering in SFR, the association becomes a legal entity (§ 27 SFL).

To register an association, you need to send this to us by letter (not e-mail):

  • A signed application by a board member, signatory or chair of the meeting must contain information about the association's postal address as well as the board members 'and deputies' personal code numbers, full names, residential and postal addresses. If a special signatory has been appointed, such information must also be provided about him/her (Section 26 SFL).
    Application for new registration (in swedish, pdf, new window)
  • A certified copy of minutes from the formation meeting;
  • A certified copy of adopted statutes

If the formation of a joint property association was facillitated by Lantmäteriet as an assignment, the application for registration in the joint property association register can be a part of the mission. Lantmäteriet handles the registration fee and bills the association after the registration is complete along with other costs for the assignment.

Obtain an organization number for an association

Please note that if you do not have a community facility, land community or other object that is formed by Lantmäteriet before, you have to start with that and apply for surveying service.

To get an organization number from Lantmäteriet for your joint property association, you need to send in an application to us by letter (not e-mail). Submit a signed application by a board member or signatory using the form Application for registration and organization number (in swedish, pdf, new window).

If your association is not registered, the following documents must also be attached to the application for the joint property association register:

  • a certified copy of the minutes from the formation meeting lead by the National Land Survey or another appointed authority;
  • a certified copy of the original statutes;
  • any proof of approval of statutes by the County Administrative Board, former registration authority;
  • certified copies of statutes (if the association has adopted new statutes);
  • information on administrative objects. has an official designation, if it is registered in the property register (eg Luleå Skatan ga: 5) or is characterized by a number on the deed of incorporation when the object has been added. By knowing which administrative object the association manages, we can sometimes find information about associations even though they are not listed in the register;
  • notification of the association's current information if you have not already provided this information.

When you have transformed an association into a joint property association

Feel free to use our guide as support when converting (in Swedish, pdf, new window).

A couple of types of associations can be transformed into a joint property association.

One type is LGA communities that can acquire rights and assume obligations and for which preferential rights have not been established and water and ditching companies formed according to the Water Act (1918: 523) or equivalent older Legislation that can acquire rights and assume obligations. Form a community association that has to take over the administration. (Appears in Sections 16 - 20 of the Act (1973: 1151) on the introduction of the Civil Engineering Act (1973: 1149) and the Act (1973: 1150) on the management of communities, also called ASP.)

In the event of a reorganization you need to send this to us by letter (not e-mail):

  • A signed application by a qualified signatory;
    Application for registration and organization number (in swedish, pdf, new window)
  • A certified copy of the minutes of the general meeting stating that the association has decided to reorganize;
  • Certified copies of the association's statutes
  • Documentation that shows that your association is such an association that can transform itself into a joint property association/That your village community is such a community that has the right to form under its own auspices This may, for example, be evidence that your water company is formed in accordance with the 1918 Water Act, that no preferential right has been established for your LGA community or that a court has established regulations for your village community in accordance with the Village Community Act (1921:299). 

Questions and answers

A certified copy means that a photocopy has been taken of the original. On the photocopy you write that the copy corresponds to the original, and add your signature.

The register excerpt is an official proof for a certain joint property association and shows the contents of the joint property association register. You may need the excerpt, for example, banking matters. The register excerpt also contains information about the association's organization number.

The excerpt from the register is free of charge and can be ordered from the joint property community Association Register via

Since 1 July 2020, personal code numbers or equivalent information must be stated for board members and deputies. The system detects whether a person has a protected identity or not, if the person has a Swedish personal code number.

Contact us

Telephone: 0176-766 50
Telephone hours: Monday-Friday 09-12
Fax: 0176-126 20

Visiting address:
Österleden 21

Postal address:
Lantmäteriet - Samfällighetsföreningsregistret
Box 490
761 24 Norrtälje

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