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In this e-service you can see selected information from the detailed development plans that are uploaded on the National Geodata Platform (NGP).
Use our services
a visual overview of the detailed development plans in the map and click on them to open detailed information. You can also switch to a view that shows the detailed development plans that are registered in the real property register.
About detailed development plans
A detailed development plan is drawn up and decided by the municipality to regulate the use of buildings and land and water areas. The detailed planning process is regulated by the Planning and Building Act (2010:900). The municipality can choose to make information available at any time in the detailed planning process. The service may therefore contain information that has not yet been put into effect. Detailed plans started before 2022-01-01 do not need to be made available digitally and may therefore be missing from the data set.
Detailed development plans have long been drawn up at municipal level. Over the years, the laws and recommendations that the municipalities have had to deal with have changed. Different municipalities also work with the detailed planning process in different ways. This means that the presentation of detailed development plan information looks different. Read more about Detailed development plans.
In the National Geodata Platform (NGP), producers can make data sets available, for example detailed plans, which consumers can then consume. The goal of the National Geodata Platform is to provide access to nationally standardized basic data in various processes in society. The focus for the platform's data sets today lies within the community building process. Read more about the National Geodata Platform.
Help and tips
The e-service Detailed development plans is based on the same platform as our e-service My map, so the tools for using the map work in the same way in both services. If you want to learn more about how to use these, you can find it here.
Icons unique to the detailed development plans e-service
When you activate this function, a layer is displayed with all detailed development plans, new and old, throughout Sweden that have gained legal force and thus control land use. No plans are clickable in this mode. In this mode, you can therefore only see the designation and extent of the plans in the map, not the detailed information. Disable the feature again to return to only showing the plans from NGP. In the original state, this function is always disabled.
This feature hides the detailed development plans in the map, regardless of which plan layer you have selected. If you have the layer of plans from NGP enabled and have clicked on a plan in the map, the outer boundaries of the plan will still be visible with this feature enabled. Deactivate again to show the entire selection.
External web pages
The Swedish National Board of Housing, Building and Planning has good information about special concepts related to Detailed Plans in its so-called "Concept Bank" (new window).