Detailed plan

Detailed plan information contains information about detailed plans in Sweden. The main purpose of a detailed plan is to regulate the use of land and water areas as well as buildings. A detailed plan refers to such a plan as is described in Chapter 4, Section 2 of the Planning and Building Act (2010:900) (PBL).

The data set may also contain the plans that have been drawn up on the basis of previous legislation, and which according to PBL's transitional provisions apply as a detailed plan. These are building plans, city plans and subdivision plans.

The municipality can choose to make information available at any time in the detailed plan process. The amount of data may therefore contain information that has not yet become final. Detailed plan started before 2022-01-01 does not need to be made available digitally and may therefore be missing in the data set.

Detailed plan information has been produced at the municipal level for a long time. Over the years, the laws and recommendations that the municipalities have had to comply with have changed. Different municipalities also work with the detailed planning process in different ways. This makes the presentation of detailed plan information look different.

National specifications

For detailed plans, there are different types of specifications. National information specification describes the information need/information content and version 4.1 is the most recent. The fact that a specification has become valid means that it is considered complete and correct. There are also earlier versions of the national specifications that apply. The National Data Product Specification for making available describes to the consumer what information they have access to via the National Geodata Platform (NGP). Specification for searching and retrieving reference data describes for the consumer how they technically find the information on NGP.

National Specifications detailed plan version 4.1 (published 2023-10-20)

National Specifications detailed plan version 4.0 (published 2022-01-24)

National Specifications detailed plan version 3.0.1 (published 2021-11-23)

National Specifications detailed plan version 2.0 (published 2021-05-17)

National specifications detailed plan version 1.0 (published 2020-01-01 )


Information models and concept models (new window)
Describes information storage model, information exchange models, resource models and concept model.


Can be used to support the interpretation of the information specification.

Guidance for detailed plan (in swedish, pdf, new window) (published 2023-11-07)

HMK Digital base map (in swedish, pdf, new window)

Plan description

No national specification has been produced for plan description, but the plan description will continue to be handled as a document link in NGP, which meets the requirements according to Inspire.

Lantmäteriet will continue to work on investigating which national search patterns of Based on these needs, Lantmäteriet will investigate how and if these can be realized via a National specification and via services in NGP, within the framework of secure information management. 

In support, Lantmäteriet and the National Board of Housing, Building and Planning have developed a conceptual model for plan description that can be used as a complement to understanding the requirements in the National Board of Housing, Building and Planning's regulations.

Conceptual model for plan description (new window)

For the time being, Lantmäteriet recommends that Office Open XML (ISO / IEC 29500) be used as a transfer format between different systems. You can read about how this standard should be applied in the context of plan description via the link below.

Exchange format for plan description (in swedish, pdf, new window)

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