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Here you will find a description of how you as a producer connect to the National Geodata Platform (NGP). The process is divided into two parts. The first describes how to connect to NGP and the second describes how to make data sets technically available. In the process, several different skills may be needed.
Municipalities or other state authorities (actor) that wants to make their data sets available via NGP.
How do I connect as a producer?
Follow these steps to connect:
- If you do not already have an account in our service Geotorget to order Lantmäteriet's geodata products, create an account and log in via Geotorget NGP (new window).
- Follow this guide to continue the process.
Manage APIs in the API Portal
You manage your permissions to make datasets available for NGP in the API Portal. The API Portal is available in both production and verification environments. Both environments work in the same way and there are the same login details for both environments.
Use the respective link to manage your permissions in the respective environment in the API Portal:
Link to the API Portal VER:
Link to the PROD API Portal:
Follow the guide on how to set up access to the APIs in NGP (pdf, in Swedish, new window). The guide works for both ver and prod.
Add an additional amount of data
When you have an existing agreement you can when it becomes relevant choose to add more data sets. You log in with your account and go on to NGP (new window).
See the wizard for adding an additional amount of data.
Use a representative
A producer can use a representative (one or more) to make their data sets available in NGP. This applies both to accessibility via data host and via own APIs. A representative can be a municipality, authority or consultant who, on behalf of a producer, makes data sets available in NGP.
When an representative makes data sets available to a producer, the agent needs to have its own separate authorization. A producer may not pass on his own authority to the representative .
It is the producer's responsibility to ensure that the agent at all times complies with the producer's commitment and terms in the producer agreement. It is recommended that there is an agreement between the producer and the representative for the assignment to make data sets available in NGP. No separate agreement needs to be signed between the representative and Lantmäteriet in the role of Coordinator for NGP.
Frågor och svar om att ansluta som producent
Ni ska använda ert systemkonto som är uppbyggt enligt principen abcd1234 till skillnad från kontot för Geotorget NGP som inte innehåller siffror.
Nej, ni måste använda PUB-avtalet som Lantmäteriet har tagit fram. Detta finns att hämta i Geotorget-NGP.
Ett personligt konto behövs för att Lantmäteriet ska veta vem inom organisationen som skickat in beställningen. Lantmäteriet behöver veta vem som ska kontaktas om det uppstår frågor vid avtalstecknande eller när det gäller beställningar med ändamålsprövning. Lantmäteriet behöver också kunna stänga av en behörighet om personen slutat, bytt arbetsuppgifter eller liknande.
Ett personligt konto behövs också för att kunden ska veta vem inom organisationen som har skickat in en beställning samt kunna administrera sina egna användare när den möjligheten ges i framtiden.