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Here you will find a detailed example of forming a new community facility when everyone agrees.
Five neighbors who live close to each other want to connect their water supply to the municipal network. They need to build the pipeline over a farmer's land that also wants to connect their residential building to the water pipeline.
They have agreed that they should have equal shares in the water pipeline. They also agree that they do not need to have an association, but that they should be able to manage the administration by agreeing. The farmer does not want anything paid for them to place the management on his land but does not want to pay for the administrative cost. The other five agree to share the administrative cost equally.
They write all six on an application where they report where the line is to be built, where to connect the municipal management, that no compensation is to be paid and which percentage they should have. They have also appointed a contact person who will primarily have contact with Lantmäteriet.
The owners of other intersecting lines are contacted by Lantmäteriet but they have no views on the location of the water main.
The administrative surveyor talks to the contact person and suggests that an agreement be drawn up describing how the community facility's regulations are to be formulated in detail. The business surveyor prepares a proposal for an agreement for the property owners. Everyone is happy with the proposal and it forms the basis for the authority's decision.
Now the area has a legally secured facility that secures the water supply. If they want to form an association in the future, the surveying authority will pay for it at that time.
The administrative cost will be approximately SEK 80,000.