Detailed example - change decision for an existing community facility

Here you will find a detailed example of changing decisions for an existing community facility.


A community facility has previously been formed for a road located on land owned by the municipality in an area with a detailed plan. There are 10 residential plots and an industrial plot where a construction company has recently been established.

The road has been managed by the homeowners jointly but now they want to form an association. They also want the construction company to be included with a larger share than the residential properties. The construction company, for its part, wants the connection road to their business to be included in the community facility.

Along the road to the construction company, there are lines of various kinds. Lantmäteriet investigates with which right the pipes are located and whether the rights may be affected. There are old common areas that are being investigated and it is found that some can be removed in the same procedure.

The municipality is consulted and it is judged that despite some minor deviations, the measures do not conflict with the purpose of the detailed plan.

There are divided opinions regarding whether the road to the company should be included and what percentage they should have. After discussions with the parties, Lantmäteriet presents a proposal for a share ratio.

At the meeting, the municipality agrees to lease the land for the additional road without compensation. The electricity company wants certain reservations to apply that are intended to protect the lines. The percentages that Lantmäteriet proposes are accepted. The matter can now be decided.

The administrative cost will be approximately SEK 160,000.

When the procedure has gained legal force, a meeting is held and a community association is formed. The cost for this will this time be SEK 15,000.

The area is now fully developed and the detailed plan does not allow for any further development. They will not need any new administrative action regarding the road for the next 50 years, probably not for the next 100 years either.

Read more about forming a community association.

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