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Lantmäteriet contributes to sustainable and long-term community building and creates conditions for development in an ever-changing world by mapping reality, setting boundaries and securing ownership. Through our broad operations, we also contribute to Sweden's implementation of Agenda 2030 - the agenda for sustainable development.
What is Agenda 2030?
In 2015, the UN countries adopted Agenda 2030, The Global Goals. Agenda 2030 is the most ambitious agreement for sustainable development that the UN has adopted and is a further development of the previous Millennium Development Goals.
Where the Millennium Development Goals focused on poverty reduction in poor countries, Agenda 2030 includes in all dimensions of sustainability, the economic, the social / societal and the environmental / ecological.
The purpose of the agenda
Agenda 2030 aims to:
- Eliminate extreme poverty
- Reduce inequalities and injustices in the world
- Promote peace and justice
- Solving the climate crisis
Agenda 2030 consists of 17 goals and 169 sub-goals and is integrated and indivisible. By integrated is meant that the different goals affect each other and to achieve the purpose of the agenda, it is required that all goals are achieved, ie they are indivisible.
To achieve the goals within Agenda 2030, it is required that everyone is involved and contributes and feel included. A key principle in Agenda 2030 is "Leave no one behind", and aims for everyone, everywhere, to be able to help create sustainable, inclusive and fair development.
Read more at (in swedish, new window)
National governance
The Government has announced that Agenda 2030 will be implemented within the framework of ordinary governance and processes, through work in all policy areas, such as gender equality policy, environmental policy and global policy. development (PGU).
This means that Lantmäteriet needs to integrate our work with relevant parts of Agenda 2030 in our daily activities and development projects.
Declaration of intent
By signing the declaration of intent for collaboration for agenda 2030, Lantmäteriet wants to show its support and commitment for the global goals. Lantmäteriet participates in DG Forum for Agenda 2030. DG Forum is a platform for collaboration between authorities to implement Agenda 2030, the global goals for sustainable development, in public administration. Within DG Forum, Swedish authorities collaborate and drive together the work to achieve the goals in the agenda. Joint Declaration of Intent - Swedish authorities in collaboration for Agenda 2030 (pdf, in swedish, new window)
Identified sub-goals with great impact
Lantmäteriet s has since the declaration of intent investigated which goals and sub-goals the business affects and the investigation was updated in 2019. Then Lantmäteriet both directly and indirectly contributes to a number of sub-goals, Lantmäteriet has prioritized which sub-goals are to be communicated and incorporated into educations and analyzes.
Our contribution to Agenda 2030
Lantmäteriet 's activities affect the agenda in all areas of sustainability, environmental, social / societal and economic development. Through an analysis, 11 sub-goals have been identified where we have a direct impact nationally. Then Lantmäteriet also has an international business has another analysis geno carried out to identify sub-goals where these projects have a major impact.