Order prints

Our Customer Center may disclose information in accordance with the principle of openness by telephone, send or email documents to you.

How to order prints

Order prints by contacting Customer Center .

Here, as an individual and company, you can order extracts with standard information from the property register free of charge.

What you can do yourself

If you are the owner of the property that you are looking for information about, you can use our e-service My property .

Fees for printing

The fees refer to copies that you want printed from Lantmäteriet 's archive according to the principle of openness, ie the right to access public documents. The table below is a fee table and it applies to all material on Lantmäteriet which are public documents and do not contain confidentiality. The general document is printed on an age-proof paper and we do not process the document.

If your order is to be sent by post and exceeds 9 pages, the order will be charged according to avgiftsförordningen (1992: 191) (in Swedish, new window). If the weight of the consignment exceeds 20 grams we charge a fee for postage.

Taxes Excluding VAT


Fee b / w Fee color
A4 *, page 1-9 No cost -
A4 *, page 10 50 kr , in addition SEK 2 per page -
A3 **
17 kr 80 kr
A2 ** 120 kr 200 kr
A1 ** 180 kr 300 kr
A0 ** 300 kr SEK 500

* Fee for copies in A4 format is charged in accordance with Avgiftsförordningen (1992:191) (in Swedish, new window)

** Fee for larger copies is charged according to Lantmäteriet s regulations, LMFS, and are described in Geodata Fee Document, Chapter 15 (new window) .

VAT will be added as follows:

  • Archive copy from the RAK / LMS archive and GeoVy 6% VAT (maps)
  • Archive copy from the National Land Survey's archive 0% VAT (authority decision)

Contents of this page may be automatically translated, we take no responsibility for the accuracy of the translation. Feel free to contact our customer support centre if you have any questions.

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