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Lantmäteriet can help convey letters to people who own a property when the person has protected personal data and you do not know the person's social security number. The letters can be conveyed both within Sweden and abroad. This service is free of charge and is called a brokerage assignment.
What does Lantmäteriet's mediation assignment entail?
Lantmäteriet searches for the legal owner via the property designation via The property register and supplements the consignment with name and social security number and then forwards the consignment to the Swedish Tax Agency's brokerage assignment. The Swedish Tax Agency in turn forwards the item to the address the person has registered with the Swedish Tax Agency. It takes about five working days before the letters reach the recipient.
If you already know the person's social security number, you can send the item directly to the Swedish Tax Agency's brokerage assignment, which then forwards the letters to the address the person has registered with the Tax Agency.
Do like this
How to send a letter to the person who has protected personal data via Lantmäteriet:
- Place the letter to be conveyed in an envelope, close the envelope
- Write the full property designation on the envelope
(Municipality, District, Block, Unit, which is written on this, for example the way: Gävle Abborren 1 or Stockholm Söder 75:2) - Enter your sender address on the back of the envelope
- Place the envelope to be conveyed in an outer envelope, close the envelope
(You can send several different letters in the same outer envelope) - Send the letter to:
Lantmäterigatan 2C
801 82 Gävle
If you want your letter to be sent as registered mail, you need to send the outer envelope by registered mail to Lantmäteriet's address.