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From 1 November 2018, Lantmäteriet will present its documents according to a new activity-based archive report. It makes it possible to understand the connections between the business and its documents, overview the stock of documents, and be able to search for documents in a more efficient and user-friendly way.
The new archive report only applies to documents from 1 November 2018 onwards and does not affect previous archive installations.
Lantmäteriet's new information report remains of five parts
The archive description provides general information about the authority and its archives. This can be, for example, information about the authority's tasks, the authority's organization, paths to the archive and general information about where archive documents are stored.
The archive list describes and controls the different types of documents created in the processes of the activities, and reports the actual stock of public documents and where they are stored. The archive lists are sorted by the archivists (the activity where the documents originated) who worked within Lantmäteriet, both the central authority and the regional authorities within the counties. A brief history is presented for each archive.
Read more and search in Lantmäteriet's archive list on the page Diary and information reporting .
Classification structure describes and describes all the agency's processes. The processes are divided according to the agency's various activities and are presented in a schedule The classification structure also contains descriptions of the processes at the level of detail required for users of the information report to understand and find among the authorities' general documents. The process descriptions can be found in the information management plan.
Information management plans, one for each process in the classification structure. This is compiled as a support for the business. The plan describes the business's process, activities and actions. For each type of action there is descriptive and controlling information such as format, thinning, storage and storage.
The management instructions describe how the information accounting is structured, how version control works and explains concepts.