Dissemination permits are intended to prevent the spread of material that could cause harm to the country’s total defence. It is therefore important to check in advance that there are no signs stating photography bans where you are going to fly.
Check the area
Before flying, think about what you really need to depict. For example, if you are going to photograph your residential or holiday home, you can make use of the exceptions, provided that only the house and plot are visible. In that case you do not need to apply for a dissemination permit.
Exeptions from dissemination permits
Make sure your device stores the geographical location inside your files
The application process will go smoother if your material contains information about the geographical location (geotagging). Most of the camera equipped drones have a setting that makes it possible to store information about the geographical location directly inside your videos and images or as metadata files beside the footage (for example .SRT files for videos).
Sometimes the functionality to store this information needs to be activated inside the settings before starting the flight, how this is done differs between manufacturers, usually this setting is called Video Captions, Subtitles or Geotagging.
If your equipment does not have this setting, you can capture a photo of the area you are filming and attach it with your material. As photos are usually geotagged by default on most camera equipped drones.
You may need permission from other authorities
Lantmäteriet handles dissemination permits for photographs, films and the like that are taken over land areas. The Swedish Maritime Administration issues dissemination permits for images depicting the sea.
The regulations governing how you may fly with aircraft can be found at the Swedish Transport Agency. Information on where you can fly without disturbing regular air traffic is available on the Swedish Civil Aviation Administration website.
The Swedish Transport Agency regulations for drone flying (in Swedish, new window)