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Here, students will plan, analyze, and justify the construction of new housing. The lesson is designed for students in grades 7-9 of primary school.
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Part 1 - Knowledge acquisition
Plan for new housing in Vaxholm. There is a demand for new housing in the municipality. The student should investigate and gather facts about Vaxholm, the need for new housing, the location of new housing, and considerations such as protected areas and ancient monuments.
This task can be effectively solved in groups. Students should research and discuss where it is most suitable to build the new housing. In the task, it is not possible to demolish existing buildings. It is also not allowed to build on protected areas or on an ancient monument.
- What type of housing is in demand and should be built?
- Discuss and propose locations for the housing.
- Are there any ancient monuments?
- Are there any protected areas?
- Place the new housing on the map.
Here's what to do:
- Open Geoskolan's map tool and search for Vaxholm.
- Click on the icon “Kartlager” (Map Layers).
- Click on the plus sign (+) next to the map layer “Flygfoton och höjddata” (Aerial Photos and Elevation Data).
- Check the box “Ortofoto – färg” (Orthophoto – Color).
- Click on the plus sign (+) next to the map layer “Fornminnen” (Archaeological Sites).
- Check the box “Fornminnen” (Archaeological Sites).
- Click on the plus sign (+) next to the map layer “Biologi” (Biology).
- Check the box “Skyddade områden” (Protected Areas).
- Use the Polygon drawing tool to indicate the placement of the new housing on the map.
Additional Reading:
- Read about Vaxholm on the municipality's website (in Swedish, new window)
- Information about construction, living and environment on Vaxholm Municipality's website (in Swedish, new window)
Part 2 - Examine and describe
Based on the placement of the new housing that you have marked in Geoskolan's map tool, justify the location of the new housing using the following questions and map layers:
- Which location is the most advantageous? Proximity to water, recreational areas, transportation, schools, etc.
- What are the differences in elevation at the new housing locations?
- Investigate and describe soil types, conditions for landslides, proximity to water protection areas, wells, etc.
Here's what to do:
- Open Geoskolan's map tool.
- Click on the icon “Kartlager” (Map Layers).
- Click on the plus sign (+) next to the map layer “Flygfoton och höjddata” (Aerial Photos and Elevation Data).
- Check the box for “Höjdmodell – Terrängskuggning” (Elevation Model - Terrain Shading).
- Click on the plus sign (+) next to the map layer “Biologi” (Biology).
- Check the box for “Skyddade områden” (Protected Areas).
- Click on the Legend icon to display the legend.
- Click on the plus sign (+) next to the map layer “Fornminnen” (Archaeological Sites).
- Check the box for “Fornminnen” (Archaeological Sites).
- Click on the plus sign (+) next to the map layer “Berg, jord och hydrologi”.
- Check the box for “Vattenskyddsområden” (Water Protection Areas).
- Check the box for “Brunnar” (Wells).
- Check the box for “Förutsättningar för Skred” (Landslide Conditions).
- Check the box for “Jordartskarta” (Soil Type Map).
Describe and answer the following questions:
- Justify the location of the new housing based on terrain and transportation.
- Where are the conditions for landslides? Why is that the case?
- Which soil types dominate?
- Are there places that are particularly vulnerable to factors such as land uplift, rising sea levels, or flooding?
Part 3 - Presentation
Prepare and present the placement of the new housing with answers to the questions in the previous tasks.
Discuss the following questions in your presentation:
- Where do you recommend the municipality to build the new housing? Justify your choice.
- What is the strongest argument for building housing in your chosen location? Are there any disadvantages? What are they?
- Which residents are likely to want to move to the new housing? Youth, families with children, retirees?