Processing of personal data at Lantmäteriet

Lantmäteriet processes information about private individuals. Here you can read what personal data is, how Lantmäteriet processes personal data and what rights you have.

What rights do I have as a registered person?

General information about personal data processing

In order to safeguard the protection of personal privacy, the processing of personal data must take place in accordance with current data protection legislation. The central laws are mainly the EU General Data Protection Regulation, (GDPR) and law (2018: 218) with supplementary provisions to the EU Data Protection Regulation (the Data Protection Act).

Personal data refers to any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person. All information that can be directly or indirectly linked to a living, natural person constitutes personal information. Processing refers to any measure or combination of measures concerning personal data: collection, processing, storage, use, etc. constitutes processing of personal data.

Read more at the Swedish Authority for Privacy Protection's (IMY) website (new window).

Lantmäteriet´s processing of personal data

Lantmäteriet is responsible for the data that Lantmäteriet produces, which means that Lantmäteriet is obliged to comply with current data protection legislation. Sometimes Lantmäteriet processes personal data on behalf of others, such as municipal cadastral authorities, and then acts as personal data assistant.

On this page you will find information about the collection of personal data by Lantmäteriet. The information mentioned below is such information that Lantmäteriet must provide to you according to the GDPR, when personal data is collected.

When Lantmäteriet processes your personal data, you as a registered person have rights towards Lantmäteriet. These rights are often connected to why we process your data. Below you can read more about each individual right.

Do you have questions?

You can contact Lantmäteriet if you have further questions about our processing of personal data.

You will find contact information for Lantmäteriet, to Lantmäteriet’s designated data protection officers and to the Swedish Authority for Privacy Protection, which is the supervisory authority for data protection issues on this page, under "Contact, comments and complaints".

Your information in public documents

By law, Lantmäteriet in its capacity as an authority is obliged to preserve public documents and to disclose them in accordance with the principle of openness. A public document is, for example, mail or e-mail that arrives at Lantmäteriet or when we prepare and store documents. Because Lantmäteriet is obliged to preserve public documents, these can only be sorted out if there are special decisions or regulations in place for sorting out.

For you, this means that the information you submit to Lantmäteriet becomes a public document. Information in public documents may, however, be covered by secrecy in accordance with current secrecy legislation and for that reason not disclosed. Decisions on confidentiality are made in each individual case.

Your rights when we process your data

Through GDPR, you as a registered person have a number of rights when Lantmäteriet processes your personal data as a personal data controller. Below you can read what rights may be relevant for the processing of your personal data.

Right of access ("register extract")

You have the right to find out if Lantmäteriet processes your personal data. You can do this either by reading below under the heading Processing of personal data or by requesting a register extract.

When you request a register extract, Lantmäteriet will search available personal data collections to find where your personal data is being processed. Lantmäteriet uses existing pathnames to find where your personal information can be found.

You have the right to request register extracts from Lantmäteriet at reasonable time intervals. A request for an extract from the register is made by contacting Kundcenter.


Should it turn out that the personal information Lantmäteriet processes about you is incorrect, you have the right to request a correction and have the personal data corrected without undue delay. You also have the right to supplement incomplete personal data.

Right to erasure ("the right to be forgotten")

In certain circumstances, you as a registered person have the right to have your personal data processed erased.

However, the right is limited as Lantmäteriet cannot delete a piece of information that is necessary to complete Lantmäteriet’s assignment according to law. If the information is necessary for processing on the legal basis information of general interest, in the exercise of authority or legal obligation the information can not be erased.

In cases where information about you appears in a public document, a decision on sorting out information is needed to thin such information, because Lantmäteriet is obliged to preserve public documents.

Objection to processing

When processing is based on the legal grounds of legitimate interest or information of general interest or exercise of authority, you as a registered person always have the right to object to processing. In the event of such an objection, Lantmäteriet as the body responsible for personal data must show compelling reasons for processing the data, otherwise processing must cease.

Objection to processing for direct marketing

You always have the right to object to the processing of your personal data for direct marketing.

Limitation of processing

You have the right to request that the personal data we process about you be restricted. This means that personal data that is stored is marked with the aim of limiting the processing of your personal data in the future.

Data portability

In cases where Lantmäteriet's processing of your personal data is based on the legal basis agreement or consent, and the data is processed automatically, and you have provided us with the data, you have the right to data portability. This means that the data can be transferred from one data controller to another if itis technically possible.

This right is limited at Lantmäteriet because in most cases we process data on the basis of provisions in law or regulation.

Automated decision-making

You as a registered person have the right to not be subject to automated decision-making, including profiling, which has legal consequences for you as a registered person. However, this does not apply if such decisions are permitted in European Union law or in national law. Lantmäteriet does not do profiling.

Apply to assert your rights under the GDPR

To assert your rights under the GDPR, email Kundcenter. Your request is reviewed and decided with an appealable decision.

Withdraw consent

If you have participated in Lantmäteriet’s communication activities by giving your consent to such processing, you have the right to revoke it.


Some parts of the website require your browser to allow cookies to be stored on your computer. We also want to save cookies for statistics. The statistics help us understand how visitors interact with the website. These cookies are collected anonymously. By law, you must receive information that the website contains cookies, what they are used for and how to opt out of them so that you can assess whether you want to consent to cookies or not. Cookies are stored on your computer and not on this website.

For more detailed information about the cookies we use, see our page about cookies.

Information security

Note that there is always a risk of disclosing personal data, whether in person, by telephone or over the Internet, and that no technology system is completely protected from intrusion or 'hackers'. Lantmäteriet has done its utmost to take appropriate and adequate measures to prevent and minimize the risks of unauthorized access to, inappropriate use of and distortion of your personal data. Lantmäteriet uses, for example, encryption technology when compiling or transmitting sensitive data, e.g. credit card information.


No information may be sent to Lantmäteriet by persons under the age of 18 without permission from a parent or guardian. Persons under the age of 18 may also not make purchases or undertake other legal acts on this website without such permission, unless permitted by applicable law.

Why do we collect your personal information?

Visits on our website

Lantmäteriet can compile statistics and general information about how the website is used, e.g. to see traffic patterns. We do this in order to evaluate and improve the website. The statistics are only compiled when consent has been given and are not available at individual level. It also does not contain any information that makes it possible to identify individuals.

Statistics about visitors to the website are not passed on to third parties.

Land registration cases

Cases regarding land registration are handled by the land registration authority at Lantmäteriet. In these cases, personal information is processed.

Land registration regards e.g:

  • Registration of ownership regarding immovable properties and site leaseholds
  • Mortgages
  • Registration of contract rights (usufructs and easements)
  • Notes
  • Legal registration meeting
  • Stamp duty
  • Corrections
  • Reconsideration of stamp duty

Where is the personal data collected from?

  • From the person applying for a land registration case handled by the land registration authority

Which categories of personal data are mainly collected?

  • Name
  • Address
  • Personal Identification Number
  • Marital status
  • Contact information
  • Property designation
  • IP address
  • User data on the website and cookies

Why do we collect and process personal data?

  • Handling cases
  • Other uses for personal data:
  • Archive purposes of general interest (public documents)
  • To provide real property information through e.g. the Real property register
  • To update real property information
  • Staff training

Our legal basis for the processing of personal data:

  • Art. 6.1 c GDPR, legal obligation
  • Art. 6.1 e GDPR, treatment in the exercise of authority and of general interest.

Legal support:

  • The Administrative Procedure Act (2017: 900)
  • The Land Code (1970: 994)
  • Act (1970: 995 ) on the introduction of the new Land Code
  • The Land Register Ordinance (2000: 309)
  • Act (1984: 404) on stamp duty at Land registration authorities
  • Act (1994: 448) on mortgage certificates register
  • Ordinance (1994: 598) on mortgage certificates register

What is the consequence of personal data not being provided?

  • The case cannot be handled

How long do we store personal information?

  • Until a decision on sorting out takes place

Who is the recipient of personal data collected?

  • Parties in a case
  • The public according to the principle of openness
  • For example, external parties such as customers who have access to general information

Do we have automated decisions?

  • Yes, we have automated decisions but we do not do profiling

Do we transfer personal information to third countries?

  • No

Cadastral procedures

At a cadastral office, Lantmäteriet processes personal information about you.
We collect, registers and processes personal data at surveying regarding:

  • Reallotment
  • Subdivision
  • Partioning
  • Amalgamation
  • Utility easement
  • Joint facility
  • Property definition
  • Adjudication
  • Legalization

Where is the personal data collected from?

  • From the person applying for the procedure but also from others who are affected by the procedure and our own databases.

Which categories of personal data are mainly collected?

  • Name
  • Personal identification number
  • Marital status
  • Contact information
  • Financial information regarding a real property usually mortgage and taxation value. In some cases also account number.
  • Property designation, UUID (unique identifier) and property key. UUID and property key are other ways than property designation to identify a property.
  • Map
  • Participation in a joint property unit or joint facility
  • IP address
  • User data on the website
  • Cookies

Why do we collect and process personal data?

  • Handling of cases

Other uses of personal data:

  • Archive purposes of general interest (general documents)
  • Update property information e.g. in the Real property register
  • Provide property information through e.g. the Real property register
  • Internal expert support
  • Quality work
  • Handle customer information
  • Handle appeals
  • Handle claims for damages
  • Training of business surveyors

Our legal basis for the processing of personal data:

  • Art. 6.1 c GDPR, legal obligation
  • Art. 6.1 e GDPR, treatment in the exercise of authority and of general interest.

Legal support:

  • Joint Facilities Act (1973:1149)
  • Real Property Formation Act (1970:988)
  • Administrative Procedure Act Förvaltningslagen (2017: 900)
  • Announcement (1971: 1086) on property rights investigation and legalization
  • Act on Real Property Register (2000: 224)
  • Act on Ownership Investigation and Legalization (1971: 1037)
  • Utility Easements Act (1973: 1144)

What is the consequence of not providing personal information?

  • The case cannot be handled

How long do we store personal data?

  • Until sorting out occurs

Who is the recipient of personal data collected?

  • Parties, stakeholders, agents
  • Experts, for example regarding valuation
  • Trustees
  • Other authorities such as the municipality, county administrative board or court concerned
  • Bank or credit institutions
  • Customers, for example, external parties who have access to public information
  • Interpreter
  • The public according to the principle of openness

Do we have automated decisions?

  • Yes, we have automated decisions, but we do not do profiling

Do we transfer personal data to third parties country?

  • No

Contact, comments and complaints

If you have questions, or want to assert your rights regarding Lantmäteriet's processing of your personal data, please contact Kundcenter.

Data Protection Officer

You can also contact Lantmäteriet's Data Protection Officer, who among other things, its task is to monitor and control Lantmäteriet's compliance with data protection legislation.
To contact the data protection representative, email

Supervision and complaints

If you are dissatisfied with Lantmäteriet s processing of personal data, you also have the opportunity to submit a complaint to the Swedish Authority for Privacy Protection, Integritetsskyddsmyndigheten, read more at the Swedish Authority for Privacy Protection's (IMY) website (new window).