Registration of title – company, association or foundation

When a company, an association or a foundation acquires or transfers a property, more documents than the actual letter of purchase or deed of gift need to be sent in.


If the transferring party or the acquiring party of the property is a listed company, partnership or limited partnership, a registration certificate or register transcript must be sent in together with the application for registration of title. You can order these from the Trade and Industry Register, which is kept by the Swedish Companies Registration Office. The registration certificate or register transcript is needed so that we can see who the authorised company signatories are.

Economic association

If the transferring party or the acquiring party of the property is an economic association, a registration certificate or transcript from the association register must be sent in together with the application for registration of title. You can order the registration certificate or register transcript from the Swedish Companies Registration Office. The registration certificate is needed so that we can see who the authorised signatories are.

Non-profit association

If the transferring party or the acquiring party of the property is a non-profit association, in most cases the following documents must be sent in together with the application for registration of title.

  • The association’s statutes
  • Minutes from an authorised meeting with resolutions to purchase or sell the property (complete property designation must be given)
  • Minutes or another document that shows who were the authorised signatories when the acquisition document was signed
  • Registration certificate or transcript from the association register if the association is registered. You can order the registration certificate or register transcript from the Swedish Companies Registration Office.


If the transferring party or the acquiring party of the property is a foundation, the following documents must be sent in together with the application for registration of title.

  • The foundation’s articles of association or foundation appointment
  • Transcript from the foundation register, which is kept by the County Administrative Board, that shows who the authorised signatories are. If the foundation is not registered, the foundation appointment or another document that shows who represents the foundation is needed instead.