Lantmäteriet is the Swedish Mapping, Cadastral and Land Registration Authority. We can alter a property unit in a number of different ways: by dividing it, merging two or more properties together, or by transferring land between properties. Our method of assisting you when a property unit is to be altered is usually by means of what is referred to as a “cadastral procedure".
Use our services
Can I receive information beforehand without submitting an application?
You will need to first send in an application so that we can investigate whether it is possible to alter the property unit as you desire. Based on your application, we then make an assessment and suitability test according to the Swedish Real Property Formation Act (Fastighetsbildningslagen). Unfortunately, we are not able to provide you with any indication beforehand about a potential outcome.
Tips for preparing and completing an application for a cadastral procedure
A cadastral procedure entails a good deal of work, time, and cost as it is important that we can both secure ownership and establish who owns what in Sweden.
We charge for processing your application and also for subsequent investigation and implementation of the measures that you have applied for. This is why it is advisable to go through the information on our website before you submit your application. Here you can get more tips about preparing and undertaking a cadastral procedure:
Tips for preparing and completing an application for a cadastral procedure (pdf, new window).
How to submit an application
You can submit an application either via our e-service or with a paper application form.
In order to use the e-service you need to have a European e-identification, eIDAS. When you login to the e-service you are provided with more information about how to submit an application. If there are several of you applying together, then the signatory must have a power of attorney for each of the other applicants. A power of attorney form is available here:
Power of attorney (pdf, new window).
Paper application form
If you do not have access to a computer, an email address, or an e-identification, then you can use our paper application form for cadastral procedures.
Send the application to the office responsible for cadastral and land registration in the municipality where the property is located.
Application for a cadastral procedure (pdf, new window).
See which office you should send your application to.
Do you want to withdraw an application?
Have you changed your mind and would like to withdraw your application? Then you need to apply in writing to Lantmäteriet. If processing of your application has already commenced, and you have been assigned a case officer, then this is the person you should contact.
If your application is still waiting to be processed, you can withdraw your application in one of the following ways:
- Send an email to our customer center
- Send a written request to:
Lantmäteriet, Fastighetsbildning, 801 82 Gävle, Sweden.
You need to clearly state:
- which application you would like to withdraw
- who as applied for the cadastral procedure
- your contact details.
Cadastral procedure, step-by-step
Here you can get an overview of what happens when we have received your application.
You submit an application either via the e-service or by posting a paper application form. When we receive your application, you will be sent a confirmation.
Initial review
We review your application and any attached documents. We will contact you if additional documentation is required. Please note that there may be a waiting period before a case officer can begin processing your application.
Review and assessment
In the next step a case officer will contact you and commence a review of your application. At this point you can get an approximate estimate of how much it will cost and how long it will take. Invoicing occurs continuously throughout the processing period.
The following are examples of the actions taken during this step:
- Investigate if the requested measure can be implemented.
- Investigate and assess the case based on current laws and regulations.
- Conduct a property and archive investigation.
- Contact relevant authorities, the Municipal Building Committee, County Administration Board etc. to verify any permits.
- Request, when necessary, your presence at a meeting, for information and dialogue regarding the case.
- Verify boundaries and undertake measurements.
When we have all the information that we require, we generally make a decision. All of the parties affected by the cadastral procedure are informed about the decision. If you are not satisfied with a decision, you have the right to appeal.
If Lantmäteriet does not receive an appeal, then the decision is registered in the Real Property Register and the Register Map.
Has a property unit changed ownership? In that case, the new owner needs to apply for registration of ownership.