Rules of consideration concerning good place-name practice

An additional paragraph relating to place-names was introduced in the Historic Envi-ronment Act and took effect from 1 July 2000 (4 § 1988:950 revised 2013:548), containing rules of consideration concerning good place-name practice.

Image of a swedish law book

The Code of good place-name practice

Both national and local authorities must take note of the rules of consideration concerning good place-name practice. This means that established place-names may not be modified without exceptional reasons.

  • Established place-names may not be modified without exceptional reasons.
  • The spelling of place-names must fol-low accepted rules for linguistic cor-rectness, unless spelling established by long usage claim otherwise
  • New names must not be formed with-out taking into account the effect this may have on established names.
  • Swedish, Sami, Meänkieli and Finnish names will be used on maps and on signs and other directions in multilin-gual areas.
  • Names that have been approved by Lantmäteriet must be used in their approved form by public and local authorities.

The Historic Environment Act (new window), Law (1988: 950, revised 2013: 548) Kultur-milölagen 1 kap. 4 § Good place-name prac-tice

You may read more about good place-name practice in Lantmäteriet Publications number 6, Lantmäteriets skriftserie Ortnamn och namnvård.

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