Help and tips for My map

The functions of the service are described here, such as search options and mapping tools, as well as product descriptions and explanations of characters for the service's background maps.

Icon features

Function name Icon Description
Zoom in  Plus sign

Zoom in.
Shortcut: shift + drag a box over the area

Zoom out  minus sign

Zoom out.


Drag up or down to zoom in or out.

In mobile mode, zoom in by pinching or pulling your fingers apart.

Change map layer  Three horizontal squares stacked on top of each other, in the colors green, blue and red

Select background.

Highlight my position  Position marker

Show my position on the map.

Menu  Three horizontal bars on top of each other

Show/hide more features.

Draw in the map  Brush

Draw in the map with selectable colors.

Measure in the map  Ruler

Measure a distance or area in the map.

Share map

 A dot connected by a line diagonally up to the right to a second dot and a diagonal down to a third dot

Share the map with someone else.

Print map Skriv ut karta.png

Create a print in PDF format.

Switch full screen mode  A square with only the corners visible

Show/hide full screen.

For mobile devices  Pointing triangle upwards without visible baseline and below the same triangle fixed pointing downwards

For mobile devices only:

Minimize the box with the drawing tool to see more of the map as you draw.

Show information en svart cirkel, i mitten av denna finns en vit bokstaven i

Show information about clicks in the map.

Find in the map

Do a search to find the right place on the map, by entering a text in the text box at the top right.

You can search by locations, property names and/or addresses.

If you get a lot of hits when you search, try entering the municipality or postal code, number on the street or the property.

You can also filter the search by location, address or property.

Your search results are displayed as a list and with markings in the map. If you click on the hit list or on one of the markings in the map, the others are turned off and you are zoomed in to the place.

Choose between displaying one or more of the places, properties and addresses.

In-depth descriptions of the functions of the icons

Show my position on the map

Icon for showing my position on the map: A position marker

When you activate this feature, your position is shown with a mark on the map. The position is updated every few seconds.

Think that if you are connected to a network, the position may show errors if the network has a station elsewhere, for best results use the phone's or computer's own GPS signal.

Select layers

Background icon: Three horizontal squares stacked on top of each other, in the colors green, blue, and red.

Here you can switch layers between:

  • Property boundaries (which shows an overview of division into property units)
  • Advanced map selector (displays multiple layers)
  • Map (represented by our Topographical Sitemap)
  • Aerial view (which are scaled, composite aerial photos, so-called orthophotos)
  • Aerial photo about 1960 (which are older aerial photos all over the country. Photographed over several years around 1960)
  • Aerial photo about 1975 (which are older aerial photos. Photographed over several years around 1970)
  • Terrain shading (which is an elevation model illuminated with simulated lighting with the option to select transparency with Topographic web map as background map)

You can show the layer with property boundaries on all background maps by enabling the on/off switchav och på.png. What is shown are today's property boundaries, no historical property boundaries are shown.

Advanced map selector


When you click the Expand button, several background maps are displayed that you can choose from:

  • Map (represented by our Topographical Sitemap)
  • Aerial view (which are scaled, composite aerial photos, so-called orthophotos)
  • Aerial photo about 1960 (which are older aerial photos all over the country. Photographed over several years around 1960)
  • Aerial photo about 1975 (which are older aerial photos. Photographed over several years around 1970)
  • Shaded map (showing a fixed transparency on our Topographic web map so you can easily see selected layers on top)

When you have activated an aerial photo layer using the on/off switch, you can choose to display the Photography Year.

For both the Map and Shaded Map, the most recently updated information is always displayed. The information on the map is updated at different intervals depending on the type of information and the zoom level.

The layers below Background Maps are displayed and placed on top of the background maps.

You can expand these layers with the Expand button, and once you've activated the layer with the on/off switch, you can choose and show whether it should be full coverage or shown with transparency. You can also see legend under the help button.

For each layer, the source is also shown and it is the authority that provides the layer.

You can choose between:

  • Geology, soil and hydrology (showing layers for catchment areas, soil type map and conditions for landslides)
  • Historical remains (showing ancient remains and other cultural-historical remains)
  • Elevation data (which shows Terrain Shading, an elevation model illuminated with simulated lighting where you can choose different background maps)
  • Society (showing total population)
  • Biology (showing protected natural areas)

When you go back to the simple map selector, your settings that you made in the advanced map selector will disappear.

Draw in the map with selectable colors

Description of functions in the drawing tool
Icon Function Description

Bild på ritverktyget.png

Different shapes for drawing (circled).
Skriva text.png

Write text.

Textruta med valbara färger.png

Text box with selectable colors, (circled).

Panorera.png Pan.
 Pen Edit Drawn Objects.
 Four arrows that start in the middle of the image point upwards, to the right, downwards and to the left Move drawn objects.
 White minus sign in black circle Delete single drawn objects.
 Trash Delete all that is drawn.

Bild på ritverktyget färger.png

Selectable colors to draw with (circled).
 Pointing triangle upwards without visible baseline and below the same triangle fixed pointing downwards

For mobile devices only:

Minimize the box with the drawing tool to see more of the map as you draw.

Create a print in PDF format

Skriv ut karta.png

Create your own print on any scale.

Choose the paper size between A3 or A4 size and horizontal or portrait paper.

You can either:

  • click in a preselected scale in the drop-down list "Scale"
  • select "Own scale" and write yourself, e.g. 500.

The searched locations and measurements you have made on the map will be included in your printout if you do not choose to turn off these features.

Once you have made your selections click Export Map to create your printout as a pdf file.

Measure a distance or area on the map

Description of measurement functions
Icon Function Description
 Five measurement icons, the first of which is circled and shows the symbol for the measurement tool, a ruler Measure a distance between at least two points. Click once on the map where you want to start (click more times if you want to put out more points) and finish by double-clicking where you want to put your end point.
 Five icons for measurement, the other of which is circled and shows the symbol for the tool height profile, a mountain Click on the tool Altitude profile and click on an existing measuring distance in the map image so that it is highlighted and the height variation is drawn in a graph. If you follow the height line in the graph you can see where you are on the map measuring distance. The longest distance to get an altitude profile over is 62 km.
 Five measurement icons, the third of which is circled showing the symbol for the area measurement tool, a triangle Measure an area on the map. You must have at least three points. Finish by double-clicking.
 Five measurement icons, the fourth of which is circled and shows the symbol for the tool to delete a drawn line or area at a time, one minus sign Delete one distance or area at a time.
 Five measurement icons, the fifth of which is circled and shows the symbol for the tool to erase all drawn distances and areas, a trash can Delete all distances and areas.

NOTE! Remember that if you measure the area of a property, you get just an approximate picture because the property boundaries in the map are only clear. To be really sure, we recommend that you look in survey documents

Share the map with someone else

Icon to share the map with someone else: A dot connected by a line diagonally up to the right to a second dot and a diagonal down to a third prick

Once you have found a place or area you want to share with someone else, click the copy button.

If you want, you can enter the name and category of your place.

The link you receive can then be pasted and sent in. It opens the map with the same area, background, text and zoom level as you selected.

Click on the map to view information about a place

You can click on the map to get this information about a place:

  • Property designation
  • Coordinates in the format SWEREF 99 TM
  • Height in meters
  • Possibility to copy the above information to the clipboard


When you select the background "Map" applies
Topographic Sitemap - Legend (pdf, new window) and
Property classification - Legend (new window).

No legend is needed for photo, ie when you have selected background" Aerial ".

Product descriptions

In the product description you can read more about the content of the background map.

When you select the background "Map", the description for
Topographic Sitemap (pdf, new window)
and the boundaries apply
Property classification Display (pdf, new window)

When you select the background" Aerial image "the description for
Orthophoto View (pdf, new window)

Contents of this page may be automatically translated, we take no responsibility for the accuracy of the translation. Feel free to contact our customer support centre if you have any questions.

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