Assignments that Lantmäteriet does not perform

Lantmäteriet may, in accordance with section 12, item 4 of the ordinance (2009: 946) with instructions for Lantmäteriet , carry out assignments. Certain parts of the commissioned activities have ceased through decisions in 2017 and 2021 to instead transfer the resources to the business area real estate development's core business, surveying services.

Assignments that Lantmäteriet performs

The goal of the changed assignment activities is to contribute to a streamlining and simplification of certain property-related activities for municipalities and state authorities. In some special cases also to simplify for individual property owners in connection with matters relating to property formation.

This means that certain parts of the contract operations are retained. The parts where Lantmäteriet continues to offer its services are as follows:

  • Property lists and property and archive investigations for state authorities and municipalities
  • Boundary deportations to state authorities and municipalities
  • Advice and support in real estate law issues and plan implementation, to authorities and municipalities
  • Formation of a community association
  • Government cooperation relating to assignments to government agencies
  • Measurement, calculation and mapping (MBK operations) in those parts of Sweden where other solutions are lacking for market reasons
  • Advice and training in geodetic issues is provided by Geodetic infrastructure, Geodata business area

Assignments that we no longer perform

The parts of the assignment activities that Lantmäteriet no longer performs (decision 2016/1895 and Decision LM2021 / 005648) are:

  • Property Listings and real estate and archive investigations for private individuals, companies and associations
  • Proposals for detailed plan changes that are required for a applied procedure to be feasible
  • New construction maps, with the exception of the municipalities in Norrbotten and Västerbotten where Lantmäteriet conducts MBK operations (measurement, calculation and mapping)
  • Advice and support in real estate law matters and plan implementation, to private individuals and private companies
  • Expulsions of boundaries for private individuals, companies and associations
  • Certificates of value
  • Create a legal application.

For requests that do not fit within the framework of our operations, we refer to contact with consultant in the respective area. We can refer you, for example, to looking for consultants/companies linked to:

  • Samhällsbyggarna
  • Sveriges Advokatsamfund
  • organizations such as REV – Riksförbundet Enskilda Vägar and Sveriges Fiskevattenägareförbund.

Additional profession can be found through a search on one of the major platforms. Conditions for contact with the respective actor may exist.

Contact us if you have questions about our commissioned activities

If you do not find answers to your questions on so you are welcome to contact our Customer Center.

At (in Swedish, new window) you can read more about Lantmäteriet 's commissioned activities and how it is regulated.

Contents of this page may be automatically translated, we take no responsibility for the accuracy of the translation. Feel free to contact our customer support centre if you have any questions.

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