Cadastral Parcels View service, vector tiles

A view service with property information from Lantmäteriet´s basic data store. The format, vector tiles, provides different possibilities for use than view services in raster formats.

About this product

The product is primarily intended for users developing different types of applications and applications for the web. View services in the vector tiles format allow the access of information for objects, attributes, and allow stylisation of data based on your own wishes or by using Lantmäteriet’s own appearance.

The product provides an opportunity to connect information from the map with our direct access services for property information. In addition, personal stylisation files can be defined to alter the map appearance.

The information is displayed up to a scale of 1:10,000.

Presentation of the information

Administrative divisions, property divisions including fishing, property boundary points, and text. Objects with the attribute object identity have a reference that can be used for searching via Lantmäteriet's direct access services.

Maintenance and update frequency

Property divisions are continuously maintained by the municipal cadastral authorities in connection with real property formation. Within some municipal cadastral authorities, updates are done periodically, meaning that they submit changes monthly. After the information is updated, it takes approximately one hour before it reflected in the service.

Do you want to know why the property boundaries on the map are not always reliable?


Our geodata services are normally available around the clock and we provide support during working hours. Read more about the availability to geodata services.


Different versions of the services can overlap, so pay attention to which version you use. Version history describes the changes that occurred with each update.

On our GitHub page (new window) you as a developer can find some simpler code examples.

Version history
Version and date Change since previous version

Version 1.0

New version
Available 2021-01-20

New Viewing Service

Technical framework and standard for view services

Our map and image view services are based on the standardized call interfaces Web Map Service (WMS) and Web Map Tile Service (WMTS) developed by The Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC). WMS is also an ISO standard (ISO 19128).

The Open Geospatial Consortium website (new window)

The services are of the nature 'question-answer', where the consumer (user's system) sends a service call over the Internet and receives a map image in a standard image format or in a vector format for certain types of services.

The characteristics of the map image are defined by the call parameters, such as information type, geographical spread, reference system, image format and image size.

There are many client applications for display services or components for integration into own system available. In addition to commercial products, there are a number of established products based on open source code, such as QGIS.

QGIS website (new window)

At OSGeo, The Open Source Geospatial Foundation you can read more about software in the field of geodata that are based on open source code.

OSGeos website (new window)

Do you want deeper technical information about our geodata products you can read the product documentation.

Our geodata products with API:s require that you have an application or software capable of managing the services. To view real property information or maps directly in your browser, you can use Lantmäteriet's e-services.

All our e-services

Order product

You can order geodata products directly from us or from one of our resellers. 

Order from Lantmäteriet

If you want to order directly from us at Lantmäteriet you should use the Order form. To use our geodata products, you need a license for use.

In the order form, you can both order geodata products and apply for a license agreement.

Copyright and publication

Read more about what applies when you want to publish the Land Survey's maps, aerial photographs and other geographical information.

Order from retailers

If you need help with ordering our geodata products or get a customized solution for your business, you can contact one of our geodata resellers (in Swedish).

Contents of this page may be automatically translated, we take no responsibility for the accuracy of the translation. Feel free to contact our customer support centre if you have any questions.

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